Re-branding a New Chapter for a Successful Company

Re-branding a New Chapter for a Successful Company

 Brivic Media Group has been a steady success for more than two decades and counting – even after agency founder and namesake Allen Brivic retired and sold the company. The agency’s stellar team continued the great work that made Brivic a fixture of Houston’s media landscape. But with Mr. Brivic’s departure, agency leaders knew it time to turn the page and begin a new chapter for the media-focused agency. Without an internal creative department, Brivic Media Group turned to Nicely Done Brands & Ads for a full rebranding, starting with a new name.


The Name

 We successfully used our proven naming process (which we previously detailed here) to land on Avail Media. In the media world, an “avail” is when you request the availability of a certain media, be it airtime or billboard locations. However, the textbook definition of avail also appealed to us. “Avail - to be of use or value; to serve or help.” We knew that the Brivic team was passionate about helping their clients achieve their goals, so the dual meaning made it a perfect fit.


The Logo

 Next, we designed the visual representation of the new name. The letters in “AVAIL” contain a collection of straight lines extending out in a variety of angles. Those tangential lines were reminiscent of the many directions the agency often took their media plans. Putting the word inside a solid box and letting the white letterforms appear to shoot “out of the box” further enforced the team’s creative media thinking.


The Colors

Finally, we worked closely with the agency’s team to select colors that matched their professionalism (deep sea blue) and their vibrant personality (sunrise red). With the name and logo design finalized, we crafted a 14-page brand guidelines document to help Avail Media consistently maintain their brand moving forward.


And that is the story of how Nicely Done transformed the Brivic Media Group into the all-new Avail Media. You can see the great job Avail has done further bringing their brand to life on their website and social media.


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